Preparation for Catalogue Publication
Since the year before last, I have been preparing for the publication of a catalog introducing my major works from the beginning of my career to the present.
When it came time to begin, it was necessary to find and scan images of my works that were of a quality suitable for printing. The translation of texts and captions into English was also a considerable amount of work.
It was understandable that this would be a daunting task, as it was the work of compiling 40 years of activities that I had devoted my life to into a single book.

Page plans
In the process of selecting photos, I found many snapshots. Looking at them, I was reminded nostalgically of the exchanges I have had in Japan and abroad since my youth and the thoughts I had put into the works of that time.
In addition, the texts of those who willingly accepted to write the book made me feel their eyes on my works and activities, and I gratefully accepted them.
Although the completion schedule has been repeatedly postponed, I hope to complete it by this fall.